الشورى و آ ثارها الاجتماعية في ضوء القرآن الكريم

The Consultation (Shura) and its Social Implications in the Light of the Holy Quran. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10354138


  • Shukrullah Mukhlis Academic member (Faculty of Sharia and Law and postgraduate (Master's) studies) Salam University-kabul-Afghanistan.  
  • Mohammad Taher Abdul Zaher Al-Afghani , (Professor in the Department of Jurisprudence and Law - Faculty of Sharia - Salam University - Kabul - Afghanistan)                  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0896-5793


Shura, Effects, Consultation, Social, Society, Politics, Quran.


Consultation (Shura) is one of the most essential aspects of human nature, and Allah, the Almighty, has commanded it, as He said: وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِى الاَمْرِ "And consult them in the matter" . The nation is involved in this matter, and Allah, the Almighty, has included it among the qualities of the believers, stating: وَالَّذِينَ اسْتَجَابُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَاَقَامُوا الصَّلاَةَ وَاَمْرُهُمْ شُورَي بَيْنَهُمْ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ "And those who have responded to their Lord and established prayer, and their affairs are [settled] by mutual consultation, and from what We have provided them, they spend”.

The principle of consultation, our call to it, and the practice of the believers originate from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet. I wished to write a brief article on this important topic, which humanity needs in all aspects of their lives. I attempted to address this subject in the light of the Holy Quran and the Prophetic tradition when necessary, hoping for the satisfaction of Allah Almighty and that those who read it may benefit.





How to Cite

Shukrullah Mukhlis and Mohammad Taher Abdul Zaher Al-Afghani 2023. الشورى و آ ثارها الاجتماعية في ضوء القرآن الكريم: The Consultation (Shura) and its Social Implications in the Light of the Holy Quran. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10354138. Peshawar Islamicus. 14, 02 (Dec. 2023), 1–26.