Unity OF Faiths: An Islamic Perspective


  • Dr. Muhammad Aziz Ullah Assistant Professor Engineering University Peshawar
  • Dr. Rais Gul Lecturer in Sociology ICP


Unity, Faith, Religion, Interfaith, Islam


Religion is only one--Islam, and prophets were to represent Islam to their peoples. The followers of some prophets, however, distorted the true religion. Hence Allah, through His final messenger, perfected and preserved Islam to be followed by the people until the Day of Judgment.Had Allah wanted, He could have made the people one community in terms of faith. However, to forcefully make human beings and jinn to obey His commandments was not in line with His divine scheme, based on which He has created this world.Unity of faiths through artificial efforts, therefore, is neither desired nor practical considering the divine scheme of life. On the other hand inter-faith harmony or respect for other people’s faith is something highly valued and desired in the light of Islamic teachings rooted into Qur’an and sayings of the holy Prophet(PBUH). This article strongly argues that Islam doesn’t believe in the unity of faiths or oneness of religions by mixing-up its principles with other religions, rather Islam through its bright principles and sublime character of last and the final messenger Muhammad (PBUH) advocates and promotes the inter-faith harmony, despites its firm claim for the trueness of its values. So many people in both the classical and modern world have been standing behind ‘The Unity of Faiths’ chorus. However, by observing the text of Islamic scripture, and the life of Muhammad (the epitome of Quran), it is in sharp contradictions with the set values of the last, final and perfect Ibrahamic faith---Islam. Also, it has been argued, that oneness of faiths is just a utopia to say the least.The article, therefore, suggests that Muslims should have an extra-respect for the faith of others but at the same time they are to practice, advocate, and promote Islamic values and do their best to make people stick to the values of Islam in a very polite, civilized and wise way.




How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Aziz Ullah and Dr. Rais Gul 2021. Unity OF Faiths: An Islamic Perspective. Peshawar Islamicus. 12, 2 (Dec. 2021), 28–37.