Peshawar Islamicus <p>Peshawar Islamicus( Peshawar Islamicus ISSN(Print): 2305-154X, ISSN(Online):2521-8409) is an International peer reviewed, Open Access, , bi-annual research journal. Its domain is Islamic Studies, theology &amp; Arabic and we encourage submissions related to the contemporary challenges by the Muslim Ummah. Our focus lies in the spreading of true progressive moderate and adoptive picture of Islam that embraces diversity and difference. The essence of Islam lies in peace and tolerance.</p> <p>More specifically, Peshawar Islamicus takes regular submissions from academic professionals and researchers belongs to Uloom e Quran, Hadith and Rules of Hadith, Seerat e Nabvi, Jurisprudence, Islamic History, Comparative Jurisprudence, Comparative Study of Religion, Anti Extremism, Social Sciences and related disciplines.</p> <p>With this aim the articles may be addressed to any related issues – social, economic, political, technological, theological - falling in the domain of theology and Islam. Our mission is to create awareness and spread the authentic teachings of Islam. Today Peshawar Islamicus is the luminary in the research world due to the acumen of its valued contributors and their high - quality research parameters that make it what it is.</p> en-US <p>This journal permits and encourages authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites or institutional repositories both prior to and after publication, while providing bibliographic details that credit, if applicable, its publication in this journal.</p> Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0400 OJS 60 عقوبات جنائیہ کی تحدیدو تشکیل میں ادلہ اربعہ کے کردار کا علمی جائزہ <p><a href="#_ftnref2" name="_ftn2"></a>&nbsp;Human history has witnessed that the attitude of the legislators of the World in the account of crime and punishment has always been subject to extremes.&nbsp; Legislators made a law under a kind of sentiment, it remedied one defect to some extent but many other defects arose, when an attempt was made to remedy them, the other extreme arose.&nbsp; Allah Almighty is aware of the ever-changing mood of human intellect and the limitations of human consciousness.&nbsp; He did not like that the human intellect kept undermining the basic safeguards of human life with its new discoveries.&nbsp; Therefore, out of perfect kindness, He Himself clearly defined the punishments for the principal crimes, and did not authorize anyone to change them.&nbsp; Therefore, each punishment prescribed by Islam restores human dignity, provides peace and tranquility to the society, refines thoughts and actions to the human character, and goes beyond the class division and exploitation system of every human being.&nbsp; It ensures protection of religion, life, wealth, intellect and heritage.&nbsp; Islamic Shari'ah does not allow anyone to create legislation based on exaggeration, class and exploitation; rather it considers the establishment of justice and fairness as the main purpose of the Prophet's mission.&nbsp; Therefore, in view of this, the article presents a scientific review of the role of Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma'a and Qiyas in determining and forming the limits of criminal punishments, retribution and punishment.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Noman Khalil , Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 Impacts of Terrorism on Education System in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8344165 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;For millennia, numerous acts of terrorism have been conducted out in various regions of the world by various organizations for a variety of reasons. These atrocities are sometimes blamed on a communist organization, sometimes on a fascist outfit, and sometimes on radical and separatist forces. Terrorism's nature evolves in response to changing global situations, and it gains in influence and strength as new technologies emerge. Terrorism is the most heinous of crimes. The global outrage over the events of September 11, 2001, and the "War on Terror," have increased the global threat of terrorism many times over.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr Shabana Noreen,  Mr. Nasir Khan, Farah Noreen Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 (Mis)Misrepresentation of Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in the Lead Pakistani English Newspapers: An Application of Social Identity theory By Henri Tajfel <p>The present study investigates how the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is one of the longest-running issues of mode. This study uses Teun A. van Dijk's "Us versus Them" model to examine how the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is portrayed in editorials published in national and international newspapers via the lens of critical discourse analysis. The public's image of this war, which is rooted in historical, political, and cultural issues, has been greatly shaped by media narratives. Based on a thorough analysis of the editorial content on this topic in a few national big newspapers, including Dawn and The Express Tribune, the research has attempted to highlight how language shapes power relations and social identities in any media-mediated representation. The Palestinian-Israeli struggle is one of the most extended issues of modern times, as varied and extensive as the coverage it has received from world media. Van Dijk's socio-cognitive approach shall be used in this research to probe discourse's cognitive and social dimensions.</p> <p><a href="" name="_ftn1"></a></p> Sumaira Azim, Dr. Hafiz Javed ur Rehman Copyright (c) 2024 Peshawar Islamicus Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 كيفية الانتفاع بمياه النهر الدولي في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون الدولي (دراسة فقهية وقانونية مقارنة) <p>The usage of <strong><em>Water of International River</em></strong> is one of the most important topics that is widely discussed these days, indeed, water is a very important component for the survival of beings on earth and an essential substance on which the lives of all creatures including human, depends on water, as Allah Almighty said: (And we have made of water everything living). Moreover, the fresh water, which is suitable for life and different usage, constitutes only 1% of the resources available in the world and the rest is saltwater that is not suitable for human consumption, agriculture, and even not suitable for many industrial uses.</p> <p>It is obvious, that the Usage of water of the International River has increased greatly at the present time, due to increasing growth in populatin and that people’s and countries need water of International Rivers for drinking, domestic uses, agriculture and industry. Water has become a strategic component of life that is more important than oil, food and weapons, especially with the problem of water shortage in the region. Furthermore, every regions, villages, and even countries have share in the International river and watercourse, and every nation or country riparian and adjacent to the river attempts to exploit and use the largest share of the river’s water without taking into account the common interests of other countries, and selling the water of International River to other regions and countries, that may stir up a dispute between the riparian states and regions over the suitable usage of water of international river for industrial and agricultural purposes. Despite the existence of customary rules at the international level to regulate this exploitation, some countries have entered into treaties with other countries in order to regulate this exploitation in order to prevent it from affecting their rights. Given the importance of this topic, I wanted to write this research entitled: “The Usage of waters of the international river in Islamic jurisprudence and international law - a comparative jurisprudential and legal study,” in order to clarify the position of Islamic jurisprudence and International law. Indeed, Islamic jurisprudence regulated a set of rules and provisions for the use of the waters of the international river, as these provisions preserve the rights of all sharer in the river on the basis of justice and cooperation in preserving the safety of the water from pollution or causing harm to water resources. This article is divided into three sections, as follows:</p> <p><strong><em>First Section:</em></strong><em> How to use the water of the International River in Islamic Jurisprudence</em></p> <p><strong><em>Second Section:</em></strong><em> How to use the water of the International River in International Law (United Nations Convention of 1997)</em></p> <p><strong><em>Third Section:</em></strong><em> Comparison between Islamic Jurisprudence and International Law in the usage of water of the International River</em></p> <p> </p> Dr. Mohammad Akbar Zahid, Professor.Sayed Habib Shakir Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 The Aurat March: Common Feminist Choices and Different Cultural and Religious Worlds DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8437020 <p>Religion, culture, and gender issues are interconnected in diverse perspectives. The debate concerning religious and cultural adjustments in terms of gender justice plays a role to understand sexuality discourses in miscellaneous outlooks. The present study is endeavour to explore the relationship between Islam, women’s activism for gender justice and cultural discourses. It primarily focuses on the conceptual framework of the activism of women through “Aurat March” (Women March) in terms of their exertion for gender justice and how it has been perceived by the nation-state. The present research also examines different terminological and structural complexities emergent after post-march and divided the nation-state into different groups consisting of supporters and scoffers. So here in this study I argued, what makes these people to label these activists as “westernized”, “foreign agenda based” or “secularists” and how the “sufferer women’s real issues” in society and preference to “national interests” over “individual interests” can be better addressed through productive activism in coming eras. </p> <p> </p> Dr. Syeda Mehmoona Khushbakht, Dr. Irum Sultana Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 المواكبة والتجديد في رؤية الدكتور محمد عمارة رحمه الله <p><strong> </strong> The case of Islamic renovation is one of the complex and thorny cases of great importance to Islamic thinkers and their primary concern. This importance comes from the intellectual and cultural declines that Islamic societies are suffering from, along with civilizational slides, and economic crises, which prompted these thinkers to develop solutions and create cultural intellectual projects to improve this reality. Moreover, Dr. Muhammad Emara is considered one of the most important of these thinkers who lived through these crises and coexisted with them, which made him innovate in the field of Islamic intellectual renovation through carrying out many studies, researches, and writings, in addition to participating in scientific conferences. Thus, the case of renovation in Islamic thought is considered one of the fundamental issues and an important stage in the thought of Dr. Muhammad Emara. Hence, it is noticeable that none of his writings are bereft of dealing with innovation through research, study, and investigation. Additionally, anyone who contemplates the history of Islamic thought will find that there are many misconceptions, impurities, and beliefs that have invaded it. Therefore, we find that the task of renovating religious discourse is to keep pace with the issues of the current times and understand religion in a correct manner, free of all these impurities and heresies. Thus, in this article, we will try to address the concept of renewing discourse linguistically and terminologically. In addition to that, we will learn about the relationship of this concept to other concepts. Then we will discuss the advantages of the innovative approach and the features of the civilizational project of Dr. Muhammad Emara, may God have mercy on him.</p> Basir Ahmad Mobassir , Dr. Abdul Qadir Haroon Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 Crime, Partner in Crime, and Criminal Complicity <p>In criminal law, an accomplice and a partner in crime refer to individuals involved in committing a crime, though they participate in different ways. A partner in crime is someone who, through direct cooperation and collaboration, takes part in the execution of a crime. Their legal and criminal liability is equal to that of the primary perpetrator. In other words, a partner, by directly or jointly committing a criminal act, is as legally accountable as the main perpetrator and is subject to prosecution.</p> <p>An accomplice, on the other hand, is a person who, without direct involvement in the criminal operation, supports the main perpetrator by providing resources, tools, advice, or encouragement. Since the role of an accomplice is less direct than that of a partner and is viewed as aiding rather than fully participating, their punishment is generally lighter than that of a partner. The accomplice’s criminal liability derives from the main perpetrator’s offense, making their legal responsibility dependent on the primary crime committed.overall, the roles of an accomplice and a partner are considered from different legal perspectives, and depending on the level of involvement and influence, different punishments are determined for each.</p> Mohammad Ismail Amar, Parwiz Stanekzai Copyright (c) 2024 Peshawar Islamicus Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Female Factor: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Women Scholars’ Role in Shaping Hadith Discourse DOI:10.5281/zenodo.13738637 <p>The female companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) played a crucial yet often underappreciated role in the development of Islamic thought, Quranic interpretation, and Hadith preservation. This article delves into the lives and contributions of these remarkable women, focusing on their scholarly insights and their impact on the Muslim community. The research study seeks to reclaim the intellectual contributions of women scholars in Hadith literature in early Islamic history. By focusing on the exegetical roles of the female companions, the article provides valuable insights into how these women shaped the understanding of the sayings of the prophet Muhammad (SAW). The study's main objective is to highlight the significance of female scholars in the early centuries of Islam and its relevance to contemporary Islamic thought. This paper provides the role of selected prominent female companions in Hadith narration. Through an analysis of historical sources and intellectual insights, this paper explores these prominent women scholars' intellectual and spiritual legacy in shaping Hadith discourse, whose wisdom continues to resonate within Islamic scholarly works in contemporary times.</p> Arfa Majeed , Dr. Farhat Naseem Alvi Copyright (c) 2024 Peshawar Islamicus Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 معاملات کے بارے میں تفسیرتدبر قرآن کےاسلوب ومنہج کا تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Shaykh-ul-Quran Allama Amin Ahsan Islahi is an imam of rationalists, commentators and Sufis. This tafsir is considered to be a summary of the previous tafsirs in terms of comprehensiveness and validity.</p> <p><em>Islam is a complete religion from every aspect which bases its code of life on the teachings of Allah SWT and His Prophet SAW. It offers guidance in every field of life. There is guidance in Islam regarding matters from individual life, collective lives of societies to international relations of nations. Generally speaking Islam is divided into 5 important sections.</em></p> <p><em>Beliefs or creeds, worship, economic, social, and morality are the five different sections in which Islam is divided. In today’s essay/lecture we will only talk about economic relations and economic affairs in Islam. Mutual giving, taking and selling and buying is considered an economic affair. Due to the social position of human beings, economic affairs are an inseparable part of human life. Rather human life is dependent on mutual economic affairs. Just like other fields of life, Islam has guided humanity in the field of economics as well so that while doing mutual economic activities one should be able to carry out these activities in a just, Halal and clean way. People should avoid and refrain from misleading others, telling lies and cheating their economic affairs.</em></p> <p>Hazrat has almost combined the opinions of the Salaf-e-Saliheen that are hereby described and the same are discussed and described in this research paper.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Dr.Wali zaman  , Maz ullah Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 امام مسلمؒ اور اختلاف اسانید ومتون (کتاب التمییز کا ناقدانہ جائزہ) <p>"Kitab ut Tameyyez" by Imam Muslim may be held the easiest one on Ilm ul Allal. The original book is lost but the one available is a summary of the original one. Apparently it seems to be incomplete. The available published copies of this book quote as many as 25 sayings of the Prophet. Amongst these quoted sayings, a few lack in both authenticity or continuous chain of narration. This article deals with the cited sayings lacking in authenticity or continuous narration. They are eleven in all.</p> Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi , Muhammad Imran  , Syed Naeem Badshah Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 دور حاضر میں تربیت اولاد کا فقدان اوروالدین کی ذمہ داریاں (قرآن و حدیث کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ) <p>Taleem O Tarbiyat (Improvements) is an integral part of human society. Without it, a peaceful and peaceful society is impossible. Because it is due to training that the moral aspects of every human being are refined. Every day in social life one meets such a variety of human beings that a civilized and dignified person immediately knows where his opponent stands morally and educationally. It is inherent in human nature that he likes beauty and modesty, but for this it is necessary that the person is sound and educated because there are many people in society who are morally inferior. Victims are also due to lack of training. Generally, Tarbiyat starts from the mother's lap. When the child is in the mother's lap, the child needs a lot of training so that it can follow the right path from the beginning. The example of a child is like a white paper on which you can write and do any kind of work, and whatever is written on it is like a line on a stone. And trained and minded with the condition, it becomes firmly imprinted in their mind like a line in stone. If the parents pay attention to the proper training of the children at an early age, then those children do not miss the training aspect throughout their life. But one of the reasons for the lack of education nowadays is the negligence of parents in the taleem o tarbiyat of their children, so it is necessary to explain the responsibilities of parents in the light of Quran and Hadith in this research paper.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr. Navid Iqbal, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Arshad Iqbal Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 أثرإحیاءالأرض الموات فی التنمیة الاقتصادیة <p>Although Muslim states cover large areas of land, sufficient water for cultivation and irrigation, copious rain and suitable climate for all types of agricultures, yet, majority of Muslim nations live in Poverty, hunger, toil and economic backwardness.</p> <p>In addition, Muslim states are rich with substantial minerals like oil, iron, coal, gas, copper, gold and silver which suffice to make them affluent in the world and be on the list of states with highest exports; that is not the case. Even though, they have the infrastructure in place, majority of Muslim states import wheat and food items/edibles from other states, thus, leading to political and economic dependency.</p> <p>This paper attempts to invite attention of the Muslims towards an obligation they inherited from their ancestors: leading their nations to prosperity, revival of their lands and utilization of the resources they have. The paper concludes that it’s an obligation for Muslims to sincerely strive for achieving these goals and thus dust-off humiliation they have to cope with individually and collectively as Muslim nation.</p> Wazir Mohammad saeedi, , Dr. Najibullah Salih, Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 خواجة غیاث الدین خواندمیر ومنهجه في کتابه السیرة النبویة في کتابه تاریخ حبيب السير في اخبار افراد البشر <p>Ghayas al-Deen Khawandmir was a renowned scholar during the time of Zahīr <em>ud</em>-<em>Dīn</em> Babar. He was highly respected for his knowledge and expertise in various fields of study.Khawandmir's intellectual contributions encompassed subjects such as history, literature, philosophy, and Islamic theology. During Babar's reign he played a significant role in the cultural and intellectual development of the era. He was known for his extensive writings and commentaries on historical events, including the reigns of previous rulers and the establishment of the Mughal Empire,His literary works provided valuable insights into the socio-political climate of the time, “Habib Al Siyar" is a book written by Ghayas al-Deen Khawandmir. It is a famous Persian historical text that focuses on the life and achievements of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).The book provides a detailed account of Prophet's life, including his early years, mission as a messenger and the significant events that took place during his lifetime, this article delves into the significance and content of the renowned Persian historical text, "Habib Al Siyar,"authored by Khawandmir. By shedding light on "Habib Al Siyar," this article aims to highlight the methodology of this remarkable work and its impact on the study of Prophet’s (PBUH) life.</p> <p> </p> Ehtisham Masood, Dr.Prof.Zafarullah Baig Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400 الجهود الفقهية للإمام الطحاوي:شرح معاني الآثار أنموذجا (دراسة فقهية تحليلية) <p>The researcher has studied Imam Tahavi&nbsp; efforts and his methodology of diligences and conscientiousness of Hadith through his book titled : sharh Mani al aasar. This book is regarded as one of the most famous hadith book, because of the great effort sought by Imam Tahavi&nbsp; in his writing and collection for this book, which traveled thousands of miles for this struggle and rsearch from one country to another. This research aimed to investigate the Imam Termezi's methodology in dealing with this kind of hadith through his book, where it proved to us his genius, precision, accuracy and commitment in the authenticity of hadiths included in his book.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr. Fahmeeda bibi , Dr.Abdul Rehman yousaf khan Copyright (c) 2023 Peshawar Islamicus Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400