الجهود الفقهية للإمام الطحاوي:شرح معاني الآثار أنموذجا (دراسة فقهية تحليلية)

Efforts of jurisprudence of Imam  al Tahavi :Sharh Maani al Aasaar as a modal (jurisprudence and analytical study) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8308021


  • Dr. Fahmeeda bibi Assistant professor department of Arabic and Islamic studies university of Swabi, Swabi
  • Dr.Abdul Rehman yousaf khan Assistant professor department of Arabic Federal Urdu university, KARACHI


Imam Tahavi, efforts ,Diligence, Hadith,sharh Maani al aasar


The researcher has studied Imam Tahavi  efforts and his methodology of diligences and conscientiousness of Hadith through his book titled : sharh Mani al aasar. This book is regarded as one of the most famous hadith book, because of the great effort sought by Imam Tahavi  in his writing and collection for this book, which traveled thousands of miles for this struggle and rsearch from one country to another. This research aimed to investigate the Imam Termezi's methodology in dealing with this kind of hadith through his book, where it proved to us his genius, precision, accuracy and commitment in the authenticity of hadiths included in his book.





How to Cite

Dr. Fahmeeda bibi and Dr.Abdul Rehman yousaf khan 2023. الجهود الفقهية للإمام الطحاوي:شرح معاني الآثار أنموذجا (دراسة فقهية تحليلية): Efforts of jurisprudence of Imam  al Tahavi :Sharh Maani al Aasaar as a modal (jurisprudence and analytical study) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8308021. Peshawar Islamicus. 15, 01 (Jun. 2023), 66–72.