المواكبة والتجديد في رؤية الدكتور محمد عمارة رحمه الله

Keeping pace and Renovation in the vision of Dr. Muhammad Emara (RA) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8344033


  • Basir Ahmad Mobassir PhD scholar, Faculty of Islamic Studies (Usuluddin) Department of Da'wah and Islamic Culture, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Abdul Qadir Haroon Asstt. Prof. Department of Dawah and Islamic Culture, Faculty of Usuluddin (Islamic Studies). International Islamic University, Islamabad.


renovation, thinkers, primary, intellectual, societies


  The case of Islamic renovation is one of the complex and thorny cases of great importance to Islamic thinkers and their primary concern. This importance comes from the intellectual and cultural declines that Islamic societies are suffering from, along with civilizational slides, and economic crises, which prompted these thinkers to develop solutions and create cultural intellectual projects to improve this reality. Moreover, Dr. Muhammad Emara is considered one of the most important of these thinkers who lived through these crises and coexisted with them, which made him innovate in the field of Islamic intellectual renovation through carrying out many studies, researches, and writings, in addition to participating in scientific conferences. Thus, the case of renovation in Islamic thought is considered one of the fundamental issues and an important stage in the thought of Dr. Muhammad Emara. Hence, it is noticeable that none of his writings are bereft of dealing with innovation through research, study, and investigation. Additionally, anyone who contemplates the history of Islamic thought will find that there are many misconceptions, impurities, and beliefs that have invaded it. Therefore, we find that the task of renovating religious discourse is to keep pace with the issues of the current times and understand religion in a correct manner, free of all these impurities and heresies. Thus, in this article, we will try to address the concept of renewing discourse linguistically and terminologically. In addition to that, we will learn about the relationship of this concept to other concepts. Then we will discuss the advantages of the innovative approach and the features of the civilizational project of Dr. Muhammad Emara, may God have mercy on him.




How to Cite

Basir Ahmad Mobassir and Dr. Abdul Qadir Haroon 2023. المواكبة والتجديد في رؤية الدكتور محمد عمارة رحمه الله: Keeping pace and Renovation in the vision of Dr. Muhammad Emara (RA) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8344033 . Peshawar Islamicus. 15, 01 (Jun. 2023), 73–85.