«الدعــوة العالـمية لوحـدة الأديـان في العصـر الحـديث وأثـرها على الدعـوة والثقافـة الإسلاميـة» (دراسـة وصفيـة نقديـة)

The Global Preaching for the Unity of Religions in the Modern Era and its Impact on Dawah and Islamic Culture (ACritical Descriptive Study) DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8018650


  • Abdullah Mohammad Alam Ph. D Scholar Faculty of Usuluddin, Department of Dawa & Cultural, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr.Khlil Rahman Sadiq Assistant Professor, Faculty of Usuluddin, Department of Dawa & Cultural, International Islamic University, Islamabad


Advocacy -religions -unity of religions -rapprochement -dialogue.


The emergence and spread of the call to the unity of religions in its new guise and spread is a new calamity and a novel heresy that requires a conscious confrontation based on studying its truth, tracing its origins, and extrapolating its reality, so that it can identify its motives, motives, and goals, and then expose its flaws and dangers to Islam and its dangers. This research concluded that the motives for calling for the unity of religions are multiplied between religious, philosophical, political and global motives, and that the call for the unity of religions is a religiously rejected idea, and absolutely prohibited by the Qur’an, Sunnah and consensus.





How to Cite

Abdullah Mohammad Alam and Dr.Khlil Rahman Sadiq 2023. «الدعــوة العالـمية لوحـدة الأديـان في العصـر الحـديث وأثـرها على الدعـوة والثقافـة الإسلاميـة» (دراسـة وصفيـة نقديـة): The Global Preaching for the Unity of Religions in the Modern Era and its Impact on Dawah and Islamic Culture (ACritical Descriptive Study) DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8018650. Peshawar Islamicus. 14, 01 (Jun. 2023), 1–19.